Snowball Fight!
The inspiration behind this piece is a baby shower. I few months ago, I helped to set up a surprise baby shower for one of my colleagues. The theme was Winter Wonderland. I came up with drawing and coloring traditional artwork (using Copic Markers) to give as a gift.
Early sketches included one person throwing a snowball at the other in the bottom right corner of the piece. I eventually removed this element because I didn't feel it fit with the overall composition. However, I loved the dynamic poses and I wanted to feature them for a different project.

Shortly after the baby shower, I felt the need to challenge myself to create a crowd piece. A scene that represents Winter.

Below you'll see the progression of the project.
This is the final sketch. The two large characters at the bottom center are the ones I removed from my original idea of the baby shower card. I felt they needed more room and become part of something that matches the energy of their poses.

Next I filled in the base colors for all the characters. I wanted to make sure each them would stand out while being careful not to have colors clashing with one another other.

Next, the highlights and shadows were added, creating more depth.

This is the final stage. I added the background and additional touches that make this environment look alive.
And that's it! It was a great feeling when I completed this artwork! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did creating it.

Snowball Fight!


Snowball Fight!

Artwork showcasing the joys of the winter season... a snowball fight!
